mIRC ~ pIRCh ~ ICQ ~ Pow WowPrograms, Information and Addons
About IRCThe 3 biggest "nets" are Dalnet, Undernet and EFnet. EFnet's the oldest, but in my experience, Dalnet is the friendliest. It also allows users to register their nicknames and prevent others from using the nicks... it also allows you to leave memos there for other registered nicknames. Over the last couple years, there have been many new nets started and I've heard good things about AUsnet and a few others There are thousands of channels on the larger nets, and you can find at least one for almost any interest or age group you're interested in. You can also find many channels dedicated to those new to IRC, and for any kind of help you may need. Irc is much easier to use than the most of the chat sites found on the web.. no having to scroll or reload to keep up.
Once you have your chat program set up, Get Sounds! You'll be glad you did.
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Mirabilis ICQ
ICQ is a program I have had since summer of 1997.. and i like it.. and it's easy to use. This program notifies you when your friends come online.. not necessarily into a chat program. It affords you the ability to send messages and files to people who are offline. You can also chat with one or more others in real time. Other Desktop Pagers
Last Updated June 2, 2003
This Page Created on a Wing and a Prayer ~ ©caryl 1998-2005