IRC Chat & Web Forums
This is only a partial list of channels of course.. there are many hundreds
of channels on IRC
For area-specific IRC channels, please see my Organizations page, as I've tried to keep most local resources together. If you know of a good BDSM channel on any of the nets, please let me know and i'll add it to the list
BDSM-Net /
- Home of (port 6667),
(port 6666) and (port 6667)
#giftofsubmission with D/s Discussion Nights..
#slavegarden on ..a new and growing channel
If you don't have an IRC chat program but have a java enabled browser,
you can access BDSM-Net
on the web (This IRC applet only supports Netscape4.0, IE4.0 or above) or

On DALnet
#Domination on Dalnet - a no-nonsense, no roleplaying, no scening discussion
channel where anyone can have a capital letter in their nicknames. There are
no "subbie couches", bars, doors, windows or chairs...just real people - For
additional information, contact
#Submission - My Home
on IRC
Dalnet channel
#bbw-domination on Dalnet - BBW and friends exploring the BDSM lifestyle. We
also have a channel mailing list called BigBeautifulWomenDomination
#Femdom IRC Dalnet channel
and an excellent resource
#0!!!!!!!!Humiliate_A_sub on IRC Dalnet
#1-malesubsmeet on Dalnet - a place to be for the women looking for you.
#malesubmissionsex on Dalnet
IRC and their sister channel, new on
#Submission On EfNet
- Channel and event information as well as Great Links. We meet on #submission_discuss
Efnet most Sunday evenings at 9PM EST. We discuss a wide range of topics dealing
with the D/s and BDSM Lifestyles. Channel can also be accessed with Java
Chat from your web browser
New server - access with /server 6667 [Homepage
BFD Homepage #bifemdomme on Undernet is a place for women to come and feel
safe while exploring their interest in BDSM
on Undernet
Our Dominion on Undernet
devoted to discussions about D/s & BDSM and Dominion
mailing list for the discussion of Issues surrounding Domination and submission
Search for 37751 IRC channels on 27 IRC networks at Liszt's
IRC Chat Directory or connect directly to any channel on the offered networks
directly through your browser. Search listings not updated often though so recently
formed channels may not show
Visit The Ultimate Chatlist
Chat by categories, BBS list, programs, acronyms and emoticons
Web Chat
Chatropolis (adult entry) - difficult format to get used to. Turn off images in "config"
iFriends Network Free Live Video Chat
SOI - State of Insanity The true alternative online community
Need some adult wavs or MIDIs? Visit my Sounds! Page
Web BDSM Forums & Networking Sites - Profiles, Groups, Networking - My personal favorite for 2008 - blogs and groups - search for kink - blogs and groups - search for kink - networking site with forums, blogs and groups - kink specific - groups, chat, blogs, mostly limited to d/s - chat rooms, forums, blogs - search for kink - networking site with forums and groups - search for kink - groups
bianca's basement discussion board
Lord Dusk's Dungeon a forum for D/s - discussion and mostly personal ads
Our Dominion Forum XChange BDSM Forum with more discussions than ads - refreshing! email discussion list and Undernet channel #dominion
PictureChat is a new website with chat and pic trading. Has one or two BDSM rooms
What's that mean??
The Canonical Abbreviation/Acronym List
Acronym Finder
Chat Programs and Add Ons