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Black Men in Leather by Cain Berlinger
Greenery Press
Recommended Reading:
- SM 101: A Realistic Introduction By Jay Wiseman $24.95
- The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities By Dossie Easton & Catherine A. Liszt $15.95
- Miss Abernathy's Concise Slave Training Manual 1996 By Christina Abernathy - ISBN 9-9639763-9-7 - A good beginning reference for D/s'ers
QSM Unique selection of SM books, magazines & comics
Also Visit The Book Store in association with 
Alternative Loving - A comprehensive documentary feature film on the phenomena of the Dominant/Submissive and BDSM lifestyles. Narrated by Angela Bowie,with Gloria Brame, William Brame, and Viola Johnson.
Bugei Trading Company has instructional video tapes available on Hojo jitsu, Japanese rope bondage
Carter Stevens Productions - S&M videos
Dark Paradise Video with Mistress Midori - Real SM, gorgeous rope bondage, pony girl training, exquisite whipping, cruel canings, tender moments and strict discipline, hot erotic interaction, beautiful women in amazing fetish wear, and so much more! Order your own autographed copy here
PSS - A Catalog of Fetish Videos and More - Videos on Spanking, S&M, Bondage, Domination, CP, Enemas, Smothering, Cat Fighting, Body Building, Tickling, Rubber, Foot Worship, TV's, Lesbians, Shaving, and more!
Headspace - Documentary film explores the lives of a group of friends who met through their involvement in the BDSM Scene in Los Angeles. It probes deeper than any other similiar work by focusing on the spiritual and psychological aspects of BDSM play, attempting to answer the question, "Why do people live and love in such a way?" Purchase at Strand Releasing
Liberty in Restraint - Australian documentary on the life and work of fetish photographer, Noel Graydon, including an exploration of the fetish scene (BDSM - bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sado-masochism).
Mark Allen Whip Cracking Videos
Nu-West/Leda Productions - the world's largest producers of material on Discipline, Corporal Punishment, and other Fetishes.
Ona Zee Bondage & Discipline videos ..including the "Learning the Ropes" series
Out of the Darkness, The Reality of S&M - "A Dynamic New Documentary that deals in a frank and honest manner with the myths and realities of BDSM practices and the BDSM community. Interviews with mental health professionals, human sexuality researchers and SM community leaders offers a unique perspective on the issues of alternative sexuality, the psychology of SM and issues of abuse vs. consensual SM activities. A must for health care, pastoral, legal and law enforcement professionals, this video will bring the subject into a new light."
The Pain Game by Cleo Dubois is .... magnificent. It's stunning. It's powerful. It's just about every superlative we can think of. It's one of the best SM videos we've seen, ever. So we are therefore making a bit of a fuss... If you have any interest at all in SM videos, we think you'll be proud to have this one in your collection." --Greta, Blowfish Buyer
Preaching to the Perverted - British fiction fetish film
Raven Hill Studios Spanking videos and publishers of WHACKED Spanking Magazine
Mistress Stephanie Locke Foot Fetish and B&D videos
Singletails in the Scene - "With Roger Stevens as your teacher and guide, you'll learn what to look for when buying a whip, how to practice, how to use basic to advanced throws, and how to use whips in a BDSM scene. Whether
you're a novice or experienced whip handler, this highly informative tape is for you."
Podcasts & Streaming Video
KinkySexRadio - A podcast radio show about the kinky, fetish, BDSM and alternative lifestyles
Two Knotty Boys - SF based rope instruction - links to instructional videos
Leather Radio Network
Leatherbound Videos
open source sex - erotica, sex ed and more with sex educator Violet Blue
Power in Practice - various discussion podcasts and information on other materials
Magazines and Ezines
Attitude Online Magazine - The Goddess Dianna Vesta brings you the premier Fem-Dom publication now online! Exclusively for dominant women and those who adore them! The Fetish Network offers education, entertainment and support with SM,fantasy, fetish & role-play.
Black Sheets Magazine/The Black Book - A great kinky magazine and a great alternative sexuality resource guide.
BME - Body Modification EZine - Online resource for piercing, body art and other modifications
Body Play Magazine - Fakir Musafar's ground-breaking magazine about piercing, tribalism and body modification
Borcher's D/s Gazette - a tastefully prepared ezine featuring stories, articles and
photographed artwork.
Checkmate - Excellent how-to SM publication for gay men.
Cuir Underground - A local San Francisco leather/SM/fetish newspaper.
Fetishsex - Site hosted by DM International, publishers of Taste of Latex, Women In Power, TV Connection, and Kinky People, Places & Things (KPPT).
In Uniform Online - A magazine devoted to gay men interested in uniforms
Iniquity News on the Fetish/SM Scene from California to Europe!
Leather Editor, a weekly BDSM e-column by Jack Rinella. It's a well-written and thoughtful look at lives spent in leather and the issues and inescapable observations that provokes.
S&M News - S&M news and information, places to go, shops, clubs, videos and classified ads.
Skin Two - The site sponsored by Skin Two, one of the world's premier fetish magazines.
Variations - Penthouse Magazine's sexuality information magazine.
WHAP! (Women Who Administer Punishment) - A magazine devoted to dominant women who administer punishment, such as spanking, to their partners.
See also Organizations Section for local shopping
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