Organizations & Contacts
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Other Countries
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All Europe
(see also UK organizations)
Europe BDSM New Club on Yahoo - A place for discussing of BDSM in all Europe, and in many languages too
Hanse's m/m spanking in Europe page for current club contact info and agendas.
BDSM Group for Benelux - on mydungeonspace
Eurofreaks - Forum on mydungeonspace.
BDSM South Africa - Mailing list For those who want to meet with others who share similar interests in BDSM * mostly spam
Collarme.co.za - Resource site for South Africans
Pub_Moots_ZA - Cape Town / Johannesburg - A Group, aimed at those in South Africa, interested in joining the B D S M discussion moots which take place in Johannesburg, 3rd Thursday of each month in Cape Town, 2nd Tuesday in PTA, as well as in Durban and Port Elizabeth
The South African Power Exchange - A list for all those who are interested in, or involved in B.DSM in South Africa. We promote open, intelligent conversation on Ds, in all its varied forms, within a Safe, Sane and Consensual context. [Email List]
Aldea Sado - Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires Leather Club
Fierro Leather - Buenos Aires - Leather club meeting the second and fourth friday every month
Leathermen Argentina on Yahoo groups, on Google, on MSN, and on Smartgroups
Southeast Asia
BDSM fetish fashion parties - Hong Kong
BDSM in SouthEast Asia - MSN Community - This group promotes BD and SM (bondage and sado-masochism) in South East Asia (Greater China, Japan, Phillipines, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, etc.) We share thoughts, just 'talk' and meet each other
Chateau Jade
#bdsmasia channel on IRC DALnet. A Kinky place for BDSM in Asia. For information, email bdsmasian@yahoo.com
Fetish Yoiko News - Tokyo Fetish Directory (English) - A broad based directory to the Scene in Japan as accessible on the WWW.
Japan BDSM and Kink - on mydungeonspace
Tokyo S&M Clubs
Japan_BDSM mailing list for Japan
Eat me, Beat me SM - Brunch in Wien on the second Sunday of the month. For information, see the website, E-Mail Konrad or contact him on ICQ - 11523269
Libertine Innsbruck a loose group of fetishists of all forms (heteros and homos, TVs, singles and couples, between 20 and ?) with regular meetings the second Friday of each month.
Schlagartig! - Vienna - meetings once a month. Email info@schlagartig.at
BDSM-Frauenstammtisch - Vienna
StamMtisch - Graz - bdsm-graz@gmx.net
Fetish-Cafe - Antwerpen
BDSM, Dominação, Submissão, Fetiches, Spanking, etc. Esta lista é livre para qualquer tipo de conversa relativa ao assunto. Encontre seu parceiro/a...
Desejo Secreto - Desejo Secreto pretende discutir e divulgar as práticas BDSM, suas variações e os diferentes fetichismos, congregando todos aqueles que, independente de suas preferências sexuais, escolheram o BDSM como uma opção de prazer - Email list
SoMos - Sao Paulo - The group monthly holds a Munch, a Workshop and a Play Party. They also maintain a Chat Room through uol.com.br where the members spend lots of hours hosting new comers and exchanging news. Site in Portugese
D_s-Brazil - The group theme and purpose is the discussion of Male Supremacy and women&men submission under BDSM focus. It pretend to be a place for the free exchange of pictures, drawings and ideas observing the many kind of BDSM practices and the relationship dynamics between Dom, submissives and slaves.
BDSM China Network - Shanghai - A little leather and lace for you? Add a little spice in your life and you don't ever have to say again that your life is too vanilla. Group formed to organize local munches
Czech BDSM Search Engine
OTK - Other World Kingdom Celebrating Female Dominance over men on earth.
Det Sorte Selskab Social and Educational Events
Pet Week 2003 in Denmark hosted by The Human Horse Riding Club Hannover and the german pets mailing list - August 17-24, 2003 - A whole week of ponying, doggie play, dressage and pet holidays on a farm in Denmark.
SMIL - regular events throughout the country
SMil København
Abime - Petites annonces SM pour adultes francophones. (Personal ads)
#BDSM-fantaisie - Site d'un canal IRC francophones destiné aux amateurs de BDSM. Propose aussi une importante galerie de photos. Personals
BD_SMandDsParisFrance - Email list for possible munches in Paris
BDSMfr - Forum, Soirées, chat on irc.bondage.com #BDSM_France or #BDSMfr
L' Espace Chat BDSM
See The Germany Section
Bondage 'n BDSM Club Hungary - Forum on mydungeonspace
BDSM Iceland
MSC Iceland Reykjavik - Gay/Leather/Levi group
bombaymumbaibdsmclub - A Group For those Who Seek an Alternate Lifestyle(B D S M) This is the largest Indian group for B D S M.
chennaifemdom - email list for female dominants and male submissives
East-Indian Fetish - This is a closed, moderated group to keep away spam
IndiaBDSM - Email discussion list to satisfy the domination -submission interests of Indian males and females and encourage meeting and flow of ideas, pictures and fantsies.
BDSM Ireland - 18+ Forum for anyone interested in talking about and taking part in bdsm in Ireland. This is not a Personals List!!
caning and spanking in ireland - yahoo group
Irish Spanking - This group has been formed to give males and females who are living in or visiting Ireland the opportunity to meet like minded people who are interested in the spanking scene.
SM Zone - Dublin - Email bonnie@bi.org for info
BDSM Haifa
BDSM Israel Email list
BDSM Israel list serv
#bondage.il IRC channel - Israeli BDSM, D/s, Gorean, and Alternative Lifestyles - and their Email list
TIE - ùãç éìàøùé BDSM øúà - Kesher
Sharav - áøù Israel's first real life support group aims to bring members of the israeli bdsm scene together in a safe and discrete atmosphere
Israel BDSM
Israel Gay BDSM support for Israel's gay BDSM community and their Email List.
Israel Spank email list
SpankinginIsrael Email List
The Cage
#bdsm.italia channel on IRC Server irc.tin.it oppure irc.fun.uni.net, oppure irc.flashnet.it
Feetaly The site of the foot-fetish italian community
gabbia.com Free bdsm personals ads
Il Castello, the main entrance to the real Italian BDSM scene. Somebody said: "Italians do it better". Come in, find your partner looking at contacts and enjoy our community in our public chat living-room. Il Castello è il luogo dove incontrarsi, conoscersi e trovare risorse BDSM quali annunci, chat, storie e pagine personali tutto rigorosamente vero! on irc.bondage.com IRC channel #ilcastello
Italy Munch email Bondager for info on Northern Italy munches
ManetteMatte forums, personals and events for all around Italy.
Mutandine abbassate Italian Spanking Email List
SMack! open to any adults, from any social status, race, gender, role or sexual tastes - IRC chat on irc.bondage.com #smack
SMart new SM italian site and an IRC channel
Spanking Journal
VBfm - Rome based group
BDSMenMexico - Mexico City - Daily chats and events every month
BDSMexico.org - Mexico City - Online forums for communication and education as well as offline meetings
Club Leather de Mexico - Mexico City - Gay Male only
Leather-Mexico Email list
See also listings for Spain also used for Latin America
Amsterdam Munches - email Mark or Suzanne for information on dates and locations
BDSM Limburg
BDSM Midden Nederland - Midden Nederland De Berghut- Amersfoort.
Claire van Dam BDSM Relatie- en Adviesbureau en Dinnerdates - Amsterdam - Dinnerdates are an very 'vanilla' way of meeting likeminded people in 'non-threatening' circumstances. That is, not in clubs or at parties or where dresscodes are obligatory or play is expected. I'm now organising the first international bdsm dinnerdate in October 2003. What's nicer than getting to know lovers of bdsm during an excellent dinner and in a public restaurant.
COC Leather & SM Group COC Amsterdam - A Web site of the Gay Leather & SM Group of the COC, the national Dutch organisation for homosexuals with great list of links to other groups and resources
Daphne Foundation - #daphne Dutch Spoken Spanking Chat on irc.bondage.com
Dutch Human Ponies - hosting a Pony Event. [Email List]
Fetish Lights - Amsterdam - Info on the Dutch BDSM and Fetish scene.
NL-BDSM - a dutch spoken email list - Dit is een lijst voor iedereen met interesse in SM-BDSM-D/s-EPE ("erotic power exchange"). De lijst is niet uitsluitend voor de ervaren maar ook voor de ontdekkende. [Email list]
nl-bdsm.org - DE Nederlandse mailinglist voor BDSM liefhebbers!
#BDSM.nl is Nederlandse BDSM kanaal on irc.bondage.com
VSSM - Amsterdam
Wildside - een sociale en educatieve supportgroep voor alle vrouwen met een persoonlijke interesse in SM met vrouwen
New Zealand
Auckland BDSM - a non-profit organisation that provides a forum for the many different expressions of power. We are a support, education and social group for adults who share these interests in the context of caring relationships. We are also a pansexual group, open to those of any sexual orientation. We hold munches on the first Saturday of every month, #Auckland_BDSM is our IRC chat channel on the Undernet IRC Network. Email bdsm@imagination.net.nz [Email list]
Axis Manawatu - Greater Manawatu area - Group with monthly munches. For more information, Email AxisManawatu@yahoo.com [Email List]
BDSM_NZ Mailing List & & Scene Info - Great local resource site and their Email List
Bethany By the Sea - Taranaki - BDSM friendly B&B
Blissfully Bound - Hamilton's Alternative Lifestyles group - a small community of very quiet people living and exploring alternative lifestyles of Dominance and Submission.. Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism, Fetishism, Sensation play and many other alternative lifestyles. Email shartana@hotmail.com or blissfullyboundnzinfo@yahoo.com [Email List]
Christchurch Munch - Uncommon Bonds - Christchurch - a non-profit pansexual organisation set up to act as a supportive point of contact to meet people and an umbrella group for organised leather, fetish and BDSM events. For more information, Email info@uncommonbonds.org.nz
Destiny Bound - A Dungeon and alternative Bed & Breakfast located in the Southern Hawkes Bay.
House of Two - Bay of Plenty, Tauranga - BDSM Lifestyle Bed & Breakfast, A B&B Homestay with fully equipped dungeon. For more information, Email myladymylady@hotmail.com
Kink Haven - Bay of Islands - an unique retreat for D/s BDSM enthusiasts and others of all genders and orientations - Groups, Couples or Singles who are Straight, Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Ts/Tv/Tg.
NZ TNG - A support group for 18-35 year old kinksters and other alternate lifestyles in New Zealand.
PleasureBound - Timaru - A part of UncommonBonds_christchurch
Riverbound (Hutt Valley) Munch - Wellington - group of people in the Hutt Valley who have an interest in D/s and BDSM. The group meets once a month in a local cafe on the third Saturday of the month. For more info, Email riverbound@whisper.co.nz. [Email List]
Southern Kinx - Dunedin Area - The group itself's main objectives are to meet through meetings and have some other get togethers socially, play parties and just basically to discuss ideas, and learn from each other. Sharing ideas is one way that all of us can learn. Munches the 2nd Thursday of each month - Email southern_kinx@hotmail.com or s_kinx@ihug.co.nz
Tauranga BDSM - Tauranga - We hold a regular munch on the second Tuesday of every month. A munch is a social gathering of like minded BDSMers. There is no play at a munch. Email apollonea@hotmail.com or info@tgabdsm.dhs.org.
TES - The Endorphin Society - Wellington - TES is "a social group exploring BDSM, fetish clothing and desires in a Safe, Sane and Consensual Environment." A public "munch" (an informal chat night at the Purple Onion cafe) is held on the first Thursday of every month. Email: tesx1234@yahoo.co.nz
Top of the South BDSM - Nelson/Marlborough - of locals and visitors who are interested or curious about BDSM or associated fetishes. Regular monthly muncheson the 1st Wednesday of month
Westbound - New Plymouth/Taranga - group poviding discrete, non-judgemental advice, information sharing, support and resources at regular munches held on the second Saturday of each month. For more information contact Sir@bondagegear.co.nz
Whisperings BDSM Resource Site (formally known as The Cave) A comprehensive resource site with up to date links to New Zealand BDSM related sites.
Rogaland BDSM Klubb
Scandinavian Leathermen - Oslo a club for gay men, interested in leather, rubber, uniform, jeans, etc, and who appreciate a friendly atmosphere.
SM Bergen
SMil Norge Oslo - a club for sadomasochists. It offers a safe and discrete haven for people interested in discussing and practising S&M - Also visit them on Dalnet(?)#SMil_Norge
Sol & Måne - Find where the sadomasochist are hiding in Trondheim
Perú BD/SM - Para los amantes de la Dominación y el Fetichismo
BDSM Um Mundo A Parte Personal Homepage with links to other sites by those in Portugal and Brazil
BDSM RU Russian BDSM Community's LiveJournal
Bondage RU - on LiveJournal
BDSM / Fetish Holidays - in Seville
Germanes i Esclaves Barcelona, Catalunya - a support and non-profit group of submissive girls between 18 and 40 years old that live in Catalunya and want to know more about the BDSM World and style of life - meeting Each first weekend of every month - Email Vicky marivickyfer@hotmail.com for information
Morbo Lista en castellano dedicada al sexo SM, al fetichismo y el adorno erótico, al dominio y la sumisión, a la exhibición y a todas las vertientes que le dan morbo y "pathos" al sexo y al erotismo. Sólo para adultos.
Canal Mazmorra - Resources and chat
IRC Chat on server irc.irc-hispano.org : #Academia_D/s, #Amantes_D/s, #El_Rincon_De_Elisa
Scandinavian Leather Men Goteborg - a non-political and non-profit-making association for gay/bi men interested in leather and other fetishism
Scandinavian Leathermen Stockholm
Fetish Family Fetish party organizers (dated but contact information there)
Royal Madness Club - Stockholm - fetish/bdsm club with regular parties
Svenska Roissy Logen - Gothemburg - Det Svenska alternativet för det seriösa S/M-folket!
Shock-Store - Gothemburg - Swedish Goth store, also PVS, jewelry, and shoes.
svensk-sm A mailng list for swedish speaking people into BDSM. Det här är en mailinglista för alla svensktalande intresserade av SM. Den är öppen för alla som har ett genuint intresse. Dominanta och undergivna, män och kvinnor, hetero homo och bisexuella. Jag hoppas den kan ta fart och bli en livlig lista. olle@viksten.com
Swiss Gay Leather with the swiss leather guide and great links section
sMalheur - Olten - An diesem Stammtisch soll insbesondere auch Einsteigern die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, SM'ler als 'Leute wie du und ich' kennenzulernen, Leute zu treffen, die in ähnlichen Situationen stehen oder standen. meeting every 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday of each month
BDSM Ankara Klübü - #bdsmankara on IRC Dalnet
Masters Dungeon Email list
Venezolanas_pies_bellos · La lista de las venezolanas de pies bellos y de sus admiradores
If you dont find a listing in your area, be sure to check some of the great sites here with large and updated links to resources and International Organizations
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This list is constantly being added to and corrected.. if you find a broken link or have a group or area-specific IRC channel which should be listed here, please send me an email