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utbdsm - Utah BDSM Adhocracy [Email List] [checked 8/25/08]
Utah Kink on Fetlife [checked 8/25/08]
Utah Power Exchange (UPEX) - Utah Power Exchange, known as "UPEX" is a non-profit, pansexual organization. Our members are consenting adults (18 years and over) who choose to live an alternative lifestyle. The main goal of the group is to create and maintain a safe environment for its members to socialize and explore their own inner issues with others of similar inclination. We believe in the concept of Zero Tolerance for Intolerance. All humans, be they gay, straight, bisexual, dominant, submissive, switch, transgendered, transsexual or uncertain are welcome to this organization. We believe our greatest strength lies in our diversity. For Information, email Mike at utahpowerxchange@yahoo.com [checked 8/2/05]
History of Utah's Leather Community and its different groups
Utah Power Exchange - Salt Lake City - a non-profit, pansexual organization for legally consenting adults (aged 18 years and over) who choose to live an alternative BDSM lifestyle. We are commited to creating and maintaining a safe and legal environment for our members to socialize and explore their own inner issues and interests with others of similar inclination. [Email List] or [Announcements] [checked 12/1/04]
Utah PowerPlay Salt Lake City and Logan - a support, educational and discussion group for people interested in consenual BDSM. For more information, E-Mail myladyplz@yahoo.com [Email List] [checked 7/9/02]
Utah Rebellion - Annual All-Male Leather and Fetish Event. [Email List] [checked 6/4/08]
Whip Enthusiasts - Salt Lake City - An educational group for the furtherance of sports whip cracking and the development of whip handling skills for all people of all ages. (Not an adult only / BDSM specific group). Meeting on Sunday afternoons. Email slcwhips@yahoo.com
Central Vermont Adult Society of Kink (CVTASK) - Rutland - Meet and Greets on the third Friday of each month. Both year-round residents as well as seasonal visitors attend. Email CVT_ASK-owner@yahoogroups.com [old list] [checked 1/28/07]
Green Mountain Leather Club - New Leather Club
Rose and Thorn. Northern Vermont BDSM dinner parties. E-mail for additional information to VTRoseThorn@yahoo.com [Email List]
Twisted Munch - Burlington area munches. 18+ [checked 11/25/10]
Upper Valley Munch - a munch and a discussion forum for adults age twenty-one and older interested in B D S M. We host a monthly social event ("munch") in the Upper Valley of the Connecticut River, on the border of Vermont and New Hampshire at the intersection of Interstate 89 and Interstate 91 (White River Junction, VT / Hanover and Lebanon, NH / Dartmouth College area), allowing quick and easy access from all parts of New England. mastercasimir@yahoo.com [checked 6/30/07]
Vermont Kink - a gateway for people to connect to the active groups offering kink, poly, and BDSM resources in Vermont! This is also home to VASE, a BDSM education group, and T.A.G, a social activity group for kinksters under 40. VTkink@gmail.com *Also available on Twitter! [checked 8/17/11]
Anchor Munch Group - Hampton Roads - Information on the Tidewater VA area BDSM munch group. [checked 7/29/05]
BDSM-Virginia This is a real life BDSM lifestyle group located in Virginia. We promote all groups within the Virginia area. We meet on irc.bondage.com at #BDSM-Virginia and have an email discussion list, BDSMVA. We have two social gatherings a year centrally located to everyone in Virginia. All Virginia folks are welcome to join. EMail bdsmva@usa.net [checked 8/25/01]
The Black Rose Arlington, VA and Washington DC - a non-profit organization which provides a forum for the many different expressions of power in love and play
Blacksburg Munch Email wombat@vt.edu for more information
Crimson Phoenix - Hampton Roads area - A pansexual support and education group. We welcome all sexual orientations interested in the BDSM, D&S, or any of the many Fetish Lifestyles. [Email List] [checked 1/29/07]
CUFF - Charlottesville Underground Fetish Fellowship - Charlottesville - BDSM social and support organization which meets on the second Sunday of each month - Email List - cvillebdsm@yahoo.com [checked 7/5/03]
Fireside Society - Safe, Friendly, Classy, and Confidential - A Society for Single Women and Heterosexual Couples in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia
HR-TNG - Hampton Roads - This list is dedicated to those who are over 18 but under 35, who are into BDSM, kink and alternative lifestyles and are living in the Hampton Roads, VA area. [checked 7/29/05]
Knight Hawks of Virginia - Norfolk - a fellowship of individuals having a common interest in the Leather/Levi lifestyle. the organization seeks to foster an understanding and appreciation of the lifestyle through charitable, educational and social endeavors regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex or sexual preference. Alternate Site [checked 7/29/05]
Lynchburg D/s: A BDSM support group focusing on the psychological and spiritual aspects of what it is that we do. Meets on certain Sunday mornings. For more information, email tim@links.magenta.com
The Meeting Guide - Events calendar for Virginia and the Carolinas. [checked 2/3/08]
NoVa Social Ties - We are a munch group meeting in the Northern Va area open to all ages 19 and above. Our goal is to provide a fun, non-threatening social atmosphere for individuals with interests in the B D S M lifestyle and scene to meet and greet and hopefully make new friends. [checked 11/11/02]
The Phyxios Mystique - Richmond - (formerly VA S.O.C.K.S) A 21+ Pansexual adult organization for persons interested in alternative lifestyles in Virginia and the surrounding states. The goal is to provide people practicing BDSM and related lifestyles an outlet for self expression through education, social gatherings and networking. Info@PhyxiosMystique.com [Email List] [checked 1/25/07]
Real American Power Exchange - Richmond - discussion group for people in the Southern West Virginia area who are interested in the dynamics of a Power Exchange relationship meeting monthly for casual public socializing in the Beckley area. [checked 9/29/07]
RELEASE - Richmond - This is a 21+ group that is not-for-profit, noncommercial, social, support, and education group for adults interested in BDSM, Pansexual and related topics. Munches every Tuesday. [checked 2/16/09]
Richmond Leather Club - Richmond's club for those who enjoy Leather. We welcome anyone who wishes to share our leather lifestyle
RODS - Roanoke Order of Dominants and Submissives - Roanoke, Lynchburg, Martinsville, SW Virginia - Rods meets in a pansexual environment for Munches on the 1st Thursday of the month and Meetings for members only on third Saturday of the month. All adults 21 years of age or older, regardless of sexual preference or practice, are welcome to meetings. Other Email List. E-Mail rods_swva@yahoo.com
Strictly! Social NOVA - Merrifield - D/S social group for Northern Virginia. for information, email novadssoc@aol.com
Rogues LLC Roanoke - Pansexual group - For information, Email Isamtheman@aol.com
Sticks-and-Stones - Norfolk/Virginia Beach/Chesapeake area - We are a young adult (18-35) Bd/Sm support and education
group [checked 7/29/05]
SW-VA BDSM Roanoke - a discussion, educational, and support group for the Safe, Sane and Consensual exploration of BDSM. For more information, email SW-VA_BDSM@USA.net or Subscribe to their Email Discussion List
SWVAPEX - Southwest Virginia Power Exchange - a lifestyle group oriented to the D/s community. Based in the Roanoke Valley and serving the adjacent areas of Virginia. a group of enthusiasts from every walk of life, pansexual in nature, and caring by design. D/s is the driving force, embracing all manner of alternative lifestyles in a SSC atmosphere.
TIED (Tidewater Individuals Exploring Domination) A pansexual non-profit bdsm support group for people in the Tidewater area. Email contact@tiedinva.com [checked 3/3/08]
Tidewater Pride
[checked 7/29/05]
VA Dommes and malesubs - Tidewater area - Group for female dominants and male submissives meeting for monthly luncheons [checked 9/7/04]
Virginia Power Exchange A group which meets in Richmond and other locales. For more information, email VaPowerExc@aol.com.
Virginia Local Email Discussion Lists & Message Boards:
DelmarvaSpanking - Delmarva Penninsula - A place where spankers and spankees living on the Delmarva Peninsula (DE, MD, VA) can meet and possibly find soul mates for long term relationships. It is also a place to post ads to find friends for spanking meets on Delmarva or just to chat with new friends on the list
tidewaterbdsm - Tribe for the Norfolk area
Continue U.S. Listings
This list is constantly being added to and corrected.. if you find a broken link or have a group or area-specific IRC channel which should be listed here, please send me an email