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Deep South BDSM Munch Page Jackson - pansexual BDSM 2nd Saturday munches [Email List]
Tupelo BDSM - 18+ Munch group for folks in Tupelo, Mississippi and surrounding areas
SLLAM - Satyr Leather/Levi Association of Mississippi - Jackson - a group of consenting adults with an interest in some aspect(s) of consensual BDSM. SLLAM does not discriminate based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origination, or fetish. [Email List]
Smart - A pansexual BDSM playgroup on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Munches in Moss Point. Email Vettedom@aol.com or VettsCarole@aol.com
STAR - Southern Thorns And Roses A pansexual BDSM group on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. contact hlflatina@aol.com for further information
BD_Ds_SM_Mississippi - Email list
Southern Marks - Email list
AHS - Alternative Hedonistic Source - Kansas City's original bondage discussion and support group. For Information, Email ahs-oc@ahs-kc.org. A.H.S. - P.O. Box 414565 - Kansas City, MO 64141 - (816) 920-3393
BDSM Cape Giradeau - This group was formed to provide a means for individuals interested in BDSM to learn about the lifestyle, talk to and meet others in the lifestyle. *6/08: Group Defunct?
CEPE - Columbia Erotic Power Exchange - Columbia - a support, educational and social organization for people whose lifestyles and interest include bondage and discipline, domination and submission or SM. CEPE is a pansexual group open to adults (over 21) of any gender or sexual orientation. Email Membership@cepemo.com [Email List]
F.L.O.G. - Fetish Lifestyle Open Group - St. Louis - a completely open group dedicated to providing an open, friendly, safe, and educational atmosphere all under one roof. Women's BDSM socials, couples and open play parties and socials - For more information email flog_stlouis@yahoo.com [Email List]
KC boys of leather - Kansas City - A group of self-identified leatherboys; the term "leatherboy" being defined as broadly as possible with the intent of being inclusive - "boy" not being based on gender, age, or appearance. Email info@KCboysofLeather.org [Email List]
Kansas City Dominants Council - Kansas City - An informational / meeting group for those of a dominant nature to share and exchange ideas and thoughts on the lifestyle, and on being dominant. 9/07: Inactive?
KC Leather University - Kansas City - Educational events on hiatus, but group still active. Email kcluevents@gmail.com [checked 10/10/07]
KC Pioneers - Kansas City's premiere Leather/Levi Club for gay men and lesbians - webmaster@kcpioneers.com
KC Dominants - Kansas City - This is a group for the Dominants in the Kansas City area to meet, discuss issues, ask questions and help develop the lifestyle community in the Kansas City area. [checked 12/18/07]
KC submissives and slaves - Kansas City - This is a group for submissives and slaves (and switches so long as they focus on the group's focus of the sub side here) in the greater Kansas City area to talk, ask questions, voice concerns, learn and socialize together. [checked 12/12/07]
Kinbaku KCMO - Kansas City - This is a group where people in Kansas City, Missouri and the surrounding areas can discuss issues about rope and rope art in its various forms. [checked 2/16/09]
Leather Stone - Kansas City - A touchstone for everyone in KC interested in BDSM. Email hydrabdsm@yahoo.com [myspace] [checked 3/31/08]
The MoMunch - Kansas City - A BDSM pansexual social group. This is an informal Munch group , no officers, no board of directors, no dues for membership. We make decisions based on consensus of replies. This is not a munch that meets at a fixed location and date. That's why it's called "peripatetic." We will post munch dates & details on the Email list. Email petsequi@kc.rr.com [Email List]
Pandora's Rose - Columbia - BDSM group dedicated to the education, development and growth of the BDSM lifestyle. [Email List] [checked 8/25/08]
Screams_N_whispers-MW - SNw-MW is a social group for B/D/S/M practitioners in the Midwest. [checked 10/15/07]
SMs - Springfield Masters & slaves - Springfield - Springfield Masters and Slaves is an organization for those interested in the BD&SM lifestyle. Members living in Southwest Missouri (especially the Springfield area) find our group is a wonderful way to meet others in the BD&SM lifestyle. We meet for coffee every 2nd Friday of the month and have a Social on the 4th Saturday of each month. All are welcome. For information, email LtDevil69@aol.com [Email List] [checked 5/27/07]
St. Louis Boys of Leather - St. Louis group for those who self-identify as a leatherboy. Email stlouisboysofleather@yahoo.com
St. Louis Leather and Lace - a group dedicated to the free expression of alternative lifestyles and forms of loving. Sponsoring it's annual spring event, Beat Me In St.Louis, and it's annual fall event, SpanksGiving. Both are fun & educational pansexual events for the entire BDSM community.
PEP-St. Louis - pansexual education/support/discussion group. [Email List]
St. Louis Pony/Pet Play - St. Louis - a meeting forum for those in the St. Louis Area to get together and discuss participating in the human Pony and Pet play lifestyle.
SWBDSMofMO - Springfield - A group of likeminded people who want to have a social atmoshere for gathering and discussing the many topics that pertain to our lifestyle. A list for friends and seekers of D/s playing with minor s/m activities. We meet twice monthly .. a munch and a social gathering. We are located in the Ozark Plateau, and ask that you be a resident of the area. For more information, Email Rora_Star@yahoo.com
Unvanilla.Org - Kansas City - Created with the belief it will bring together the Alternative lifestyle communities and create a productive centralized community of websites, events, groups vendors, resources and more for the community
W.H.I.P. in KC: Women Holding Infinite Power in Kansas City - Kansas City - A group catering to the Dominant Women of Kansas City and those who serve them. [checked 6/4/08]
Whips and Roses - Springfield - a pansexual BDS&M group that meets on the second Saturday of every month [Email List] [checked 1/25/07]
Missouri Local Email Discussion Lists & Online Clubs:
Billings Lifestyle - Billings - Group with monthly munches. [checked 11/23/10]
Bozemandomandsub - Bozeman - Group with monthly munches. [checked 11/23/10]
Domination and Submission MT - Great Falls - This club was founded as a place for those in the BDSM lifestyle and in Montana to come together for discussions about aspects of the lifestyle.
Flathead Floggers - Group in the Kalispell area hosting munches and more. [checked 11/23/10]
Helena Kink - Helena - Group with monthly munches. [checked 11/23/10]
Kalispell Group Meetings - For more information, email Lady_March@hotmail.com
Magic City Munch Bunch - Based in Billings and Eastern Montana, but open to all.
Montana-BDSM - This is an ADULTS over 21 only mailing list. Dedicated to the BDSM Lifestyle people of Montana together but, all are welcome to join. Topics of discussion will cover but, are not restricted to Masters, Mistresses, slaves, sub, switches, meetings, events in Montana/ North West, and any other aspectics of the lifestyle
Montana BDSM - Missoula based - Group holding a munch in Missoula monthly. Bringing like minded people together in a safe and nonthreatening atmosphere. Based in Western Montana, but open to all. For more information, Email GrizzlyBear406@yahoo.com. [Email List] IRC channel #MT_BDSM on server irc.bondage.com [Fetlife] [checked 11/23/10]
The Velvet DarkRoom - Billings - new list in late 2007. We're mainly a bdsm related group, however ALL "alternative" lifestyles and/or activities will be welcome to join. [checked 12/10/07]
WilDsofMT · The WilDs of Montana
- Great Falls - Group with monthly munches. [checked 11/23/10]
Master Wolfen's Bondage Club - Hamilton - new pansexual group in Western Montana. For more information, Email wolfen1@montana.com
Montana Local Email Discussion Lists & Online Clubs:
Continue U.S. Listings
This list is constantly being added to and corrected.. if you find a broken link or have a group or area-specific IRC channel which should be listed here, please send me an email