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Albany Munch - We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 6-8pm at San City Pho & Grill Restaurant -2180 Pacific Blvd. E-Mail: MasterBob@nwmasterslave.com [checked 3/3/08]
Bad Girls - Portland - A social and educational group oriented for beginners and experienced players alike, for women interested in BD/SM with other women. We sponsor activities and gatherings to provide a safe place for women interested in this lifestyle to meet one another and share ideas and information. For membership info contact contact@pdxbadgirls.net Bad Girls, PO Box 17254, Portland, OR 97217 , Sponsoring the Kinky Women's Welcoming Munch, a safe, supportive setting 2nd Tuesday of each month where kinky or questioning women of all orientations and preferences can connect and ask questions. Beginners are welcome. Self-identified women over 18 only, please.
BDSM Ds in Medford Oregon - "The Thunder Strokes Discussion Group" 19+ group with monthly munches. Email master_michael_69@yahoo.com [checked 8/31/05]
BDSM socials in Portland - Variety of social events in Portland [checked 8/31/08]
BEAVERTON MUNCH - Beaverton - The poly, bdsm, alt-sex Second Sunday Beaverton Munch at the Everton McMenniman's - contact home@tnstaafl.org for details [checked 7/29/05]
BodyBound - Portland - A Rope/Bondage/Sensuality Enthusiasts Group. Has extensive list of bondage links. Email ropelover@ropelover.com [Email List]
Boys/Bois in Leather Service-Rose City - Portland - There are only two requirements for joining the BILS: 1. you must flag boiy and 2. you must have a deep abiding passion to serve… anywhere. BILS-Rose City’s main mission is to meet the needs of their community. They will and have already begun to serve individuals, organizations and at events. The volunteer work is not limited to the Leather community. rosecitybils@gmail.com [Myspace] [checked 11/15/10]
Central_Or_BDSM pansexual mailing list for people in the tri-county region of Central Oregon with munches in Bend, though on temporary hiatus.
Corvallis Munch 2nd Sunday of each month munches. simply a gathering of like-minded people who share an interest in BDSM. The atmosphere is intended to be open and friendly in order to encourage kinship and welcome newcomers. Attendance will vary, anywhere from just a handful of people to a packed house.
Email Bob at rwblount@earthlink.net if you have any questions. [Email List] [checked 11/14/05]
Wildrose Munch - Grants Pass & Roseburg - Group with munches. [checked 11/27/06]
Eugene Munch munch group meeting every Monday at Valley
River Center food court, directly in from of the Subway restaurant. This is a social rather than a play event; come and ask questions, meet local players, and generally make contact. We also have an open house every Tuesday from 8PM on (write for directions if interested), a play party on the first Saturday of each month, and a Fetish Night at Diablo's (Pearl St next to the Greyhound station) downtown on the last Sunday of every other month. All these are open events. Email Conrad at conradh@efn.org for information [checked 11/15/10]
Exotic Online - Exotic Magazine, published in lovely Portland, Oregon and distributed from Seattle to San Francisco. Columns and features, local information and calendar
Growing "Pains" - Portland - A place for Mommy and Daddy Doms and little ones to meet and mingle. Parties and munches. Age play group, no minors, 18+ [checked 2/15/09]
Kink Discussion Group third Friday of each month, in Springfield. For information, contact domme27@hotmail.com [checked 12/12/05]
Leather Outlaws - Portland - A kink and BDSM group now forming for trans folk and their allies... Basically anyone who doesn't clearly fall into the binary gender system and the people who like to play with them.
Leatherwoods - An annual summer Kinky camping event every August
Lulu's Pervy Playhouse Lulu's is a group of SM women in Portland, Oregon. Our group is open to Lesbians, bisexuals, straight women, and transgender women who identify as female. The party is held on the 2nd Saturday of every month and provides a welcoming atmosphere to those new to the scene and longer-time players alike. luluspervyplayhouse@yahoo.com [checked 9/29/07]
MAsT Eugene - a pansexual support and discussion group for those interested in Master-Mistress/slave or Dominant/submissive relationships. Persons of any gender or sexual orientation are welcome. Email: mast_eugene@yahoo.com [checked 11/15/10]
Northwest Littles - Portland -a group of ageplayers, ABDL's, and the people who love them. We host munches and events in the Pacific Northwest Northwest Area. [checked 11/15/10]
OKPERL - Oregons Kinky Power Exchange & Responsibility List - 18+ - We are dedicated to bringing and helping young adults understand and explore alternative lifestyles, A place where people can learn and share their feelings without being shunned away or labeled. [Email List]
Oregon Leather Fraternity - Portland - A group for Leather Men. orleatherfrat@yahoo.com [checked 11/14/05]
Oregon Leather History Project - history project, community information and Oregon events calendar [checked 11/14/05]
Oregon Leather Pride [Fetlife] [checked 11/15/10]
Pacific Friction - Portland - October of each year - PacificFriction is a sex and BDSM event being organized by women in the Portland, Oregon area and will welcome all self-identified women and transfolk who enjoy and respect women's sex and BDSM space. [checked 11/14/05]
PDX BDSM - Portland - Events and news! [on fetlife.com] And an Events Calendar [checked 2/15/09]
The Portland Leather Alliance - PLA - Portland - Formerly National Leather Assoc. - a pansexual not-for-profit organization dedicated to fostering a positive community for safe, sane, and consensual alternative adult sexualities in general and SM/Leather/Fetish in particular. For more info, Email info@portlandleather.org - hosting Portland Kinkfest each year in March. [Fetlife] [checked 11/15/10]
Portland Leathermen's Potluck - Willamette Valley - PLM is a social group for men, which has no bylaws, no politics, and
no committees. Meeting the 2nd Saturday of each month mostly in Salem. For information, Email furry@hughes.net [checked 2/3/08]
Portland TNG - Portland - TNG (Next Generation) group with munches every other Sunday. [Email List] [checked 11/14/05]
Portland Wednesday Munches - quickly growing group meeting every Wednesday at McMenamins Pub - email dykedadi@comcast.net or dykedaddy@gmail.com for info [checked 2/3/08]
Portland Sexuality Resource Guide Information on clubs, shopping and resources for swingers, transexuals, bisexuals, polyamory and more
Portland Whipper-Snapper
- Whipper Snappers is a group dedicated to welcoming and mentoring the 18-30 crowd into the local BDSM community, and promoting education for all ages. Whipper Snappers is a pan-sexual group open to the public for all ages, genders, and orientations, with events held monthly. Some events are members only, and occasionally we have 18-30 years of age restricted events.
Rose City Discussion Club - Portland - a non-profit organization that holds monthly meetings in Portland, welcoming all who are interested in BDSM/fetishes/scenes that are safe, sane, consensual, and fun. [checked 11/14/05]
Salem Munch - Salem - Meeting on the first Monday and the third Saturday of each month. For information, Email amaranth13@gmail.com [Email List] [checked 5/27/07]
Sexual Minorities Roundtable - Portland - The mission of the Sexual Minorities Roundtable is to work with the Bureau to improve relationships, respect, cooperation and crime reporting in the sexual minority community. The Roundtable strives to eliminate a fear of police within their community. The Sexual Minorities Roundtable meets the second Tuesday of every month at the on the 15th floor of the Justice Center 1111 SW 2nd Avenue in Portland, Oregon. Particpants must bring a valid photo id to the front desk. leatherdaddy_2003@yahoo.com
Southern Oregon/Rogue Valley Munch - Medford - on fetlife.com
Springfield Munch first Wednesday of each month 6:00 pm. Mom's
Country Cookin' Restaurant, east end (the part painted red) of the building with the Country Side Bar & Grill. Corner of 47th and Main, Springfield, OR. for more info contact domme27@hotmail.com [checked 2/3/08]
subRosa - Portland - A discussion and support circle for submissives and slaves. We're open to subs and slaves of any gender, age, sexual orientation or relationship status. It's a great place, too, for those who are
interested in the sub/slave lifetyle and D/s relationships even if you don't identify yourself yet as submissive or slave. Switches are welcome, too, to come and talk about the "sub" sides of their relationships. For more info, send me an email at morgan@pyromagick.com
Vancouver Munch - Vancouver - 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday Munches, as well as a monthly online chat night. Email vancouvermunch@hotmail.com [Email list] [checked 11/14/05]
WICO - Women in Charge Oregon - Eugene - A Discussion group for the enlightenment and empowerment of Female Dominants, Female Lead Relationships, and FemDoms everywhere. blytheviolet@yahoo.com [checked 1/29/07]
Oregon Local Email Discussion Lists:
Oregon Dom/me's and submissives 21+ email list
Oregon Sex Contact BDSM - BDSM, FETISH, D/s, S/m in Oregon
PDX-ASB Mailing List - Portland and Surrounding area - To subscribe, email majordomo@rdrop.com and include this command in subject header and body text: subscribe pdx-asb
PNW Kink on Tribe.net - For people in the PNW how are interested in Alt. lifestyles, BDSM, Fetish, Kink, TPE, medical fetish, poly sluts ect.
Portland Area Perverts on Tribe.net - for perverts of all kinds residing in the Portland,Oregon area..those from surrounding areas are welcome too.
Oregon Local Online Chat:
#BDSM-Portland IRC Undernet channel helping locals meet and get to know each other both online and in person. For more information, email gianna@spiritone.com
#Portland on irc.bondage.com
Continue U.S. Listings
This list is constantly being added to and corrected.. if you find a broken link or have a group or area-specific IRC channel which should be listed here, please send me an email