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Hirsute Pursuit - Wichita - Kansas Bear Club [Email List] [checked 6/11/07]
Alternative Lifestyles in Eastern Kansas (ALEK) - ALEK is a group for people involved or interested in alternative lifestyles (BDSM) living in eastern Kansas. Formerly on smartgroups, now on alt.com [checked 6/11/07]
Dark Whispers of the Soul - Topeka - BDSM group with a focus beyond just the social aspects, DWoS hosts discussion topics and or workshops at each of the two monthly meetings which is a fantastic opportunity to learn and grow in the lifestyle no matter what a member's experience level may be. [checked 3/3/08]
Kansas City Dominant Council - Kansas City - an informational / meeting group for those of a dominant nature to share and exchange ideas and thoughts on the lifestyle, and on being dominant. [checked 6/11/07]
PAWSks - a puppy-group based in Wichita, KS. Open to all pups, trainers, puppy lovers, all genders and orientations. Email belle_bmw@yahoo.com or faith186@yahoo.com [checked 8/25/08]
Screams_N_whispers-MW - SNw-MW is a social group for B/D/S/M practitioners in the Midwest. Activities in Kansas City, St. Louis, Topeka, Wichita, Colombia, and Springfield [checked 6/11/07]
S.I.C.K. Saturday Munch - The Wichita S.I.C.K. Saturday Munch is a highly select group of Sadomasochistic Individuals Culminating in Kansas
for some sick eats, and a sharing of common interest in hardcore kink, fetish, BDSM, dungeon play, and all that is perverse, sexy, deviant and deprived. Email info@sickmunch.com [checked 4/6/10]
Twisted Temptations - Wichita - An active, flesh and blood, viable, exciting, committed, caring organization in the B.D.S.M. community! . We provide education and social activities for members. 21+ [Email List] [checked 10/7/07]
Western Kansas BDSM - Email list for Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado [checked 6/11/07: no activity since 6/06]
Western Kansas Power Exchange - for people who are into power exchange and live in Western Kansas, Eastern Colorado, or the panhandles of Oklahoma or Texas [checked 6/11/07]
Wichita First Friday Munch - a self-contained entity which exists solely to unite people who wish to participate in the BDSM, fetish, leather, and alternate lifestyle in Wichita and surrounding areas. info@wffmunch.com [checked 10/23/07]
W.O.O.L.F. - Wichita Organization of Leather Fetishes - Wichita - This organization was founded to include not just leather men and women, but also to bring together people with common non-leather fetishes. Our organization, events, and membership is open to all gay, bi, lesbian, transgender, and straight people of the community.
a_So_Cent_KY_Ds_list - Subscribers should live within driving distance of Adair, Russell, &/or Talylor Co., KY. We have demos, parties, etc., a dungeon & a B&B (Bondage & Bed). For more information, email dulca@duo-county.com [checked 6/11/07]
Alternative Lifestyle Kentucky Info - Email list for listing educational or social events and gatherings in Ky & bordering states. This is for pansexual kinky people 18+ ..announcements only [checked 6/11/07]
AppALLink - Appalachian Alternative Lifestyle Link Email list based in the Appalachian region for people to find information regarding other organizations. [checked 6/11/07]
BDSM-KY Email Discussion group for people in Kentucky and surrounding areas interested in BDSM, D/s, etc. [checked 6/11/07]
Bondage Connection - A Paducah, Kentucky based group open to persons of all sexual orientations living in the Four Rivers Region (Western Kentucky and surrounding areas), age 21 or over, with a sincere interest in consensual B.D.S.M. in any of its many forms, including erotic restraint, power exchange, and the pain/pleasure threshold. [Email List] [checked 6/11/07]
Central KY Submissives Group - For submissives, slaves and switches interested in the BDSM, D/s Lifestyle. meets monthly and has a group list is for members to seek support and exchange ideas and information. Email: boundbylovenky@yahoo.com [checked 6/11/07]
The Farm - In South Central KY. [Email List] [checked 8/25/08]
KY Leatherwomen - founded to discuss erotic power exchange while working to build the community. The
list welcomes women of all sexual orientations, tops, bottoms, and switches. Membership is restricted to women. sasha7@mindspring.com or KY_Leatherwomen-owner@yahoogroups.com [checked 6/11/07]
KUFS - Kentucky Underground Fetish Society - Lexington - a pansexual group for those of us in the Central Kentucky area who have an interest in BDSM. We meet on a monthly basis in a friendly, vanilla environment to socialize and share with one another. Chat on IRC at irc.chat4all.org on #KYBDSM - For more information, email board@kufs.org. [Email List] [checked 6/11/07]
Lexington Lyons Leather Club - A social group that meets in Lexington, KY. We meet on the 2nd Mon. of each month. The last Sun. of each month we have brunch. I would welcome anyone to attend the brunch, or come to our business meetings held quarterly. contact: Thomas Smith mrintlrubber99@earthlink.net [checked 6/11/07]
Lexington Spankings - Email List
Louisville Bondage Club - Louisville - For like-minded men (Men Only). Meetings on Hiatus. [checked 6/11/07]
Louisville Early Bloomers BDSM Group - Louisville-based online and real-time meeting and discussion group for people interested in BDSM, kink, and fetish between ages 18-35 for the purpose of education, socialization and exploration of issues pertinent specifically to the 18-35 year-old demographic. Email info@earlybloomers.org [Email List]
[checked 6/11/07]
The Louisville Munch Bunch - Louisville - The Louisville munches have been running continuously since October of 1997. We meet on the first Saturday of every month and the third Sunday of every month. Munches are social gatherings for those interested in BD/DS/SM and Leather. michael@louisvillemunch.com. [Email List] [checked 3/24/08]
Louisville Submissives - Louisville - group open to bottoms only or switches in bottom mode [checked 6/11/07]
Louisville Trailblazers - Louisville - A group of like-minded individuals, united to provide fraternity, support, education and charitable service to our greater community. [checked 6/11/07]
The New Dark Rose Society - A munch group for like minded adults in the Nelson, Hardin and surrounding counties. A munch is a social gathering, usually held in a public venue. It is a place to meet and get to know others of similar interests, it is not a place to wear fetish, or extreme clothing. The munch is an excellent place for newbies and experienced lifestylers to share, so ALL liked minded adults, (18 and over) are welcome. [checked 6/11/07]
OVALS - Ohio Valley Alternative Life Stylers - This group promotes the activities of alternative lifestyle groups and provides an educational tool for the BDSM-D/s community. They meet on the fourth Saturday of the month and have a variety of activities and associated groups. Email Murchadk2@WMconnect.com for information. [checked 6/11/07]
The Paradox Group - Louisville - D/s organization covering a tri-state area in the midwest. Meetings consist of structured discussion and adult play with a strong support system. Paradox Group, P.O. Box 38, Payneville, Ky 40157 Email: paradoxinfo@theparadoxgroup.com
[Email List] [checked 6/11/07]
Tri-State Area Power Exchange - TAPE - WV/KY/OH - We're a bunch of regular folks who share an interest in an alternative lifestyle. We promote education, safety, and a desire to share our experiences. [checked 6/11/07]
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